Mobile Officer Virtual Environment (MOVE) was developed for officers to use on laptops in their cars, not on a desktop in the office. It was designed to combine the officer’s critical software tools onto one screen and for them to work together seamlessly.
MOVE is a software framework that integrates several software applications and peripherals, including:
- a driver’s license scanning device
- LETSGo: a secure web-based search engine
- eCite: an electronic citation form
- eCrash: an electronic crash form
- an incident/offense report form
- ASPEN: software for federal electronic reporting of commercial vehicle violations
NCIC checks have been built into MOVE with FBI Compliant Two Factor authentication. A new set of reporting forms have been added to the MOVE suite.
GPS has been integrated so officers can capture their location and input it directly into the citation or crash form.
MapClick is the newest integration into MOVE. It is a CAPS developed mapping application that can replace MapPoint. (MapPoint is still an integrated option within MOVE.)
The LogBook feature has been redesigned for increased importation of daily officer activities from the associated applications within MOVE.
Data captured with the scanner in addition to data gathered from citations or vehicle information can easily be transferred between all the MOVE applications.
The data integration model used for MOVE is bus-based integration rather than typical peer-to-peer integration. The advantage of this is that it provides a single point of interface for all peripherals such as scanners and GPS devices. There is no need to manually intervene with each application and the peripherals. You only need to communicate with the “bus” rather than each individual application along the bus framework.
MOVE was developed in cooperation with and/or sponsored by Alabama Department of Public Safety, Alabama Administrative Office of Courts, Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The deployment of MOVE has been advanced by sponsorship from the Alabama Office of Highway Safety in the Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety Division of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.
Currently, CAPS has projects for MOVE with the eCite component underway in three other states.